
Testing and evaluationTesting websites

Usability testing uses personas, test cases and scenarios to find out how well a website would work in real conditions. Compatability testing ensures it works on different browsers and devices.

Part of Computing ScienceWeb design and development

Testing websites

A number of tests should be carried out on the website to ensure it meets the functional requirements. These include:

Input valdidation

  • Ensure that any data entered into a form can be accepted and then if incorrect data is entered, it is accepted with the correct validation.

Links and navigation

  • Test all navigational bar links take you to the correct pages.
  • Test all external links work properly (external links can change address without your knowledge)
  • Ensure that all internal links are correct.
  • Ensure that all pages have a direct link back to the home page.
  • Test to check for any pages that are not linked to any other pages.

Media content

  • Ensure that all text, graphics and video are displayed and in the correct position in the design.