
Methods used to control malaria

Since Malaria vaccines are still in the early stages of trials and are not in widespread use, most methods focus on prevention.

Most methods focus on either treating the host (human) or the vector (mosquito).

Treating the host (human)

There are a number of ways to prevent a mosquito bite.

  • insect repellent, eg containing
  • education, eg cover arms and legs after dusk to prevent being bitten

People who have been infected with malaria can be treated using drugs, such as Chloroquine and Quinine Sulphate.

In 2000 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted by governments around the world. One of the goals was to reduce the number of cases of malaria by 2015. A number of strategies have been implemented to combat the disease in developing countries such as Malawi. One way this goal can be reached is by encouraging the use of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs).

This is a very effective way of reducing incidence of malaria and is relatively cheap. Each bed net costs only 拢3. However, many people in rural Malawi are unable to afford this.

In the last 15 years, the Ministry of Health and charities such as Nothing but Nets, have distributed bed nets across Malawi. In 1997 only 8 per cent of homes in Malawi had bed nets. By 2004 the average was 50 per cent.

To maintain effectiveness, nets need to be retreated every 6-12 months. This is something that might not happen, due to cost or people simply forgetting to do it.

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