
Tennis backhand shot

The backhand can be an aggressive and powerful attack shot that is used to return an opponent's shot and, when executed correctly, will manoeuvre an opponent around the court or win a point.

Stage one

  • As the ball is returned, stand in position on the balls of your feet, with knees slightly bent.
  • Place your weaker hand on the top of the racket handle, in a chopper forehand grip.
  • Hold racket at waist height.
  • Turn hands and trunk to the side so that the shoulder of your right arm is pointing towards the ball and racket head is pointing behind.
  • Your right elbow should be fully extended and left elbow slightly flexed.
  • Transfer body weight from front to back foot.
  • Keep your eyes on the ball.

Stage two

  • Rotate your body quickly to face forward, transferring weight from back to front foot.
  • Drop the racket head lower as you start to accelerate forwards.
  • The forward swing should travel from low to high, aiming to hit the ball at its highest point.
  • Keep your eyes on the ball.

Stage three

  • Make contact with the ball at around waist height.
  • Begin to rotate the racket at impact, so the strings point down towards the ground.
  • The racket will follow through finishing to the right of the shoulder.
  • Return back to ready position for the next shot.

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