
Organising your ideas for a plan

Using spider diagrams

Spider diagrams are useful for recording thoughts and ideas. When you are writing about one text, you may decide to use a spider diagram to jot down your ideas and then order them.

When writing about two texts you need to make links between the points you have identified about each of them. To do this, you could:

  • make separate spider diagrams for each text, and then look to link points between them
  • make one spider diagram showing each point you make about one text (for example ‘the author directly addresses the audience’), and checking to see if it’s true of the other text too

Using tables

If you like having a neatly written plan, you might try using a table.

Here’s an example:

PointExample from text AExample from text B
Use of humourThe pun in the titleExaggeration about the mother character
Description for different purposesLots of detail in order to sell the product – we know how great it isLots of detail to build up a picture of the family, so we feel sorry for them at the end
PointUse of humour
Example from text AThe pun in the title
Example from text BExaggeration about the mother character
PointDescription for different purposes
Example from text ALots of detail in order to sell the product – we know how great it is
Example from text BLots of detail to build up a picture of the family, so we feel sorry for them at the end

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