
How to convert between standard units of measurementConverting between units

Solving calculations of length, mass and capacity might involve converting between standard units. Understanding what kilo-, centi- and milli- mean will help you decide which number to multiply or divide by.

Part of MathsMeasurement

Converting between units

Converting larger units to smaller units

To convert a larger unit to a smaller unit (eg \({m}\) to \({cm}\)), first check the number of smaller units needed to make \({1}\) larger unit. Then, multiply that number by the number of larger units.

Converting smaller units to larger units

To convert a smaller unit to a larger unit (eg \({cm}\) to \({m}\)), divide it by the number of smaller units which are needed to make \({1}\) larger unit.


\(1~m = 100~cm\)

So, to convert from \({m}\) to \({cm}\) multiply by \(100\), and to convert from \({cm}\) to \({m}\) divide by \(100\).

For example:

\(3.2~m = 320~cm~(3.2 \times 100 = 320)\)

\(400~cm = 4~m~(400 \div 100 = 4)\)