
Rounding to the nearest whole number

In many calculations you will be expected to round off your answer to the nearest whole number or to the nearest ten.

Example 1

Write \(38.7\) to the nearest whole number

Number line showing 38, 38.5 and 39.  38.7 is marked with a bead.

\(38.7\) lies between \(38\) and \(39\)

\(38.7\) is nearer to \(39\) than \(38\)

So, \(38.7 = 39\) (to the nearest whole number)

Example 2

Write \(6.5\) to the nearest whole number

Number line from 6 to 7, showing 6.5 as mid-way.

\(6.5\) lies between \(6\) and \(7\)

\(6.5\) lies mid-way between \(6\) and \(7\)

When this happens always round up

So, \(6.5 = 7\) (to the nearest whole number)

Now try this question:


Round \(103.4\) to the nearest ten.

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