Sustainable water projects - minimising insecurity
Some solutions to water insecurityNo reliable access to adequate quantities of acceptably clean water. are more sustainableAn activity which does not consume or destroy resources or the environment..
Water conservation
Modern appliances use a lot of water, eg dishwashers and washing machines. Also, people use vast quantities of water to clean cars and to water gardens. water conservationStrategies designed to save water. involves using less water. There are many measures people can take in order to achieve this. dual-flush toiletA toilet that can be half-flushed to save water. require less water every flush and modern appliances are designed with water conservation in mind. Water companies can install water meterA device that measures how much water a household uses. to measure the amount of water that households use and charge them accordingly. This encourages people to use less. At a national level, water companies try to conserve water by fixing leaking pipes.
Groundwater management
groundwaterWhere water is stored in rocks beneath the ground. is under increasing threat from over-abstractionThe process of extracting too much water. and pollution. Substances such as nitrateThe chemical absorbed from the soil by plants to produce their protein. enter aquiferNaturally occurring underground water stores. as a result of farming. Mining and frackingBreaking rock deep underground by injecting liquid under pressure so that many tiny cracks form. have also been linked to the pollution of groundwater.
In the UK, the government has designated safeguard and protection zones, where any developments are carefully planned and managed. This involves mapping the flow of groundwater supplies and soil and rock types. Response measures are in place to clean up any pollution that arises.
'Grey' water
grey waterWater that is not pure. Sometimes it has been used before. is water that is not pure. It has either been used previously (eg, washing hands or cleaning teeth) or it is untreated rainwater. The idea behind using grey water is that some uses of water do not require water that has been purifiedA substance that has been separated from other substances is said to be purified.. An example of this is flushing toilets. Some companies now use rainwater to flush the toilets in their offices. Collecting rainwater is called rainwater harvestingThe collection of rainwater for use by someone or something.. Households can harvest rainwater in water butts and use it to water gardens.