
Drawing techniques - OCRComposition

There are many different techniques and methods that can be used in drawing, such as hatching, cross-hatching, sgraffito, scribbling and stippling. They can create a variety of styles and results.

Part of Art and DesignDrawing


A grey pencil sketch of a pot on its side and a cutting board propped up against a wall

is how a drawing or artwork is arranged. The layout of the work on a background is important. Different elements may stand out or be noticed first. Carefully consider where to position shapes, lines, details and tones.

A grey pencil sketch of a jug, a tankard, a wooden spoon and a cloth

Think about the and use , positioning and size to draw attention to it. There are different rules, or guides, that can help organise the layout of an artwork:

The drawings shown have used the rule of thirds in different ways. Experimenting with where the subject is placed demonstrates careful planning for the final composition of the piece.

It can be helpful to use light pencil when starting a piece. Sketch out different ideas and compositions to refine the choices.


Why should you experiment with the position of shapes, lines, detail and tones?