
Cyberspace, network security and data transfer - CCEACybercrime

Networks make computers more powerful, but also more vulnerable to attack. In the era of the internet and cloud computing, what are the threats to data security?

Part of Digital Technology (CCEA)Digital technology (compulsory)


Cybercrime can be defined as criminal activity carried out using computers or computer networks (including the internet).

Examples of cybercrime:

HackingUnauthorised access to a computer or data held in a computer system.
PornographyUsing digital technologies to create, distribute or modify illegal pornography.
CyberstalkingThe repeated use of computer systems to harass or frighten someone, for example by posting threatening tweets.
Data theftThe illegal copying or taking of information from an individual or organisation. For example, an employee taking a copy of a contact list on memory stick when they leave an organisation.
Denial of serviceAn attack on a network designed to prevent the network from functioning. The attack involves flooding the network with useless traffic.
Digital forgeryUsing digital technologies to forge, edit or copy existing files or documents. Examples include photographic identification, qualifications or computer software.
CyberdefamationDamaging the reputation of someone via digital media, usually through the internet.
SpammingSending the same electronic message indiscriminately to a large number of internet users.
PhishingThe illegal practise of sending emails pretending to be from reputable companies to gain personal information, for example passwords or bank details.
DefinitionUnauthorised access to a computer or data held in a computer system.
DefinitionUsing digital technologies to create, distribute or modify illegal pornography.
DefinitionThe repeated use of computer systems to harass or frighten someone, for example by posting threatening tweets.
CybercrimeData theft
DefinitionThe illegal copying or taking of information from an individual or organisation. For example, an employee taking a copy of a contact list on memory stick when they leave an organisation.
CybercrimeDenial of service
DefinitionAn attack on a network designed to prevent the network from functioning. The attack involves flooding the network with useless traffic.
CybercrimeDigital forgery
DefinitionUsing digital technologies to forge, edit or copy existing files or documents. Examples include photographic identification, qualifications or computer software.
DefinitionDamaging the reputation of someone via digital media, usually through the internet.
DefinitionSending the same electronic message indiscriminately to a large number of internet users.
DefinitionThe illegal practise of sending emails pretending to be from reputable companies to gain personal information, for example passwords or bank details.