
Maths Week Scotland 2024

Estimation and rounding

  • Round to three decimal places

    You might not always need or be able to give an exact answer to a calculation, Sometimes an approximate answer is good enough. You can give an approximate number by rounding up or down.

Number and number processes

  • Add and subtract positive and negative numbers

    When adding and subtracting numbers it's important to be consistent with positive and negative values. Remember that two plus signs or two minus signs make a positive. One plus and one minus make a negative.

  • Column addition and subtraction

    In the column method of addition and subtraction, numbers are written so their place values line up vertically forming columns for ones, tens, hundreds, thousands etc.

  • Place value and decimal place value

    Place value is the value of each digit in a number, for example ones, tens or hundreds. Decimal place values include tenths, hundredths and thousandths. The value of a digit goes up by ten as it moves to the left.

  • Add and subtract to three decimal places

    When adding and subtracting decimals it is important to keep place values consistent. Remember to be careful when using positive and negative values.

  • Multiply and divide positive and negative numbers

    Both positive and negative numbers can be multiplied and divided using rules. Two signs the same gives a positive answer. Two different signs give a negative answer. More difficult multiplication can be carried out using the grid or column method. Division can be worked out using short or long division.

  • Multiply to three decimal places

    Multiplying a decimal by a whole number uses the same method as multiplying two whole numbers. When multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000 you need to move each digit the correct number of places to the left.

  • Divide to three decimal places

    Dividing decimals by whole numbers works the same way as dividing whole numbers except, just like addition and subtraction of decimals, the decimal point must be kept in line. When dividing by 10, 100 or 1000, remember to move all digits the correct number of places to the right.

Multiples, factors and primes

  • Common multiples

    Multiples are numbers that can be divided by other numbers. Common multiples can be divided by two or more numbers. The lowest common multiple is the smallest number that two or more numbers can divide into.

  • Common factors

    A factor is a number that divides into another number exactly. A common factor is a number that two numbers can both divide into exactly. The highest common factor is the largest number that divide into two numbers exactly.

  • Prime numbers

    Prime numbers are numbers that can only be divided by themselves and one. If a number is a multiple of any other number, then it is not a prime.

  • Writing a number as a product of its prime factors

    A factor is a number which divides exactly into another number. 1 is a factor of every number and every number is a factor of itself.

  • Solve problems using multiples and factors

    Many maths problems involve using multiples and factors to find the answer. If you are set a word problem you should look at the key information given to see if you need to use factors or multiples.

Powers and roots

  • Powers and roots

    A power is a way of writing a number that is multiplied by itself. A root is the opposite of this. It is a way of writing a number that can be divided into another number multiplied by itself.

  • Evaluating powers and expressing whole numbers as powers

    You can evaluate powers yourself or with a calculator by multiplying the number by itself the number of times shown by the power or index. Finding the root is often easiest using the root button on a calculator.

Fractions, decimals and percentages

  • Introducing fractions

    Fractions are a way of expressing parts of a whole or equal parts of an amount. The number on top is the numerator and shows the number of parts you are dealing with. The number on the bottom is the denominator and shows the total number of equal parts that something has been divided into.

  • Equivalent fractions

    Fractions are calculations involving a portion of a quantity, shape or object. Equivalent fractions allow cancelling (also known as simplifying) to simplest form.

  • Mixed numbers and improper fractions

    Mixed numbers are made up of a whole number and a fraction. Any whole number can be written as a fraction where the numerator is a multiple of the denominator. So a mixed number can also be written as an improper fractions where the numerator is bigger than the denominator.

  • How to add and subtract fractions

    Adding and subtracting can be applied to mixed number fractions. Each has its own method that helps make sure the numerator and denominator are treated correctly.

  • Introduction to percentages

    Per cent means 'per 100'. If 70 per cent of the population own a pet, this means that 70 out of every hundred people own a pet. The symbol % means 'per cent'.

  • Calculating fractions and percentages

    Calculating a fraction of a number can be done by multiplying by the numerator (top number) and dividing by the denominator (bottom number). Percentages can be worked out by multiplying by the percentage and dividing by one hundred.

  • Calculating percentage changes

    When a quantity is increased or decreased by a percentage, you can calculate how much it has changed by and what the new amount is. You can also work backwards from a final number to find the original quantity (100%).

  • Ratios

    Ratios are usually written in the form a:b and are used to compare quantities which are measured in the same units. Given a ratio, quantities can be calculated and are in direct proportion when they increase or decrease.


  • Financial maths

    Financial maths is needed for all jobs, from calculating wages to working out profit, loss and VAT. Knowledge of financial maths is also required to be able to understand bank statements and savings.

  • Budgeting

    Budgeting is listing and planning estimated income and spending. This allows us to make informed choices regarding spending and saving.

  • Find the best value for money

    Understanding the best value for money is important when looking at option or contract services, eg mobile phone deals.

  • Converting currencies

    Travelling abroad involves converting currencies into the currency of the country visited. To calculate the amount, exchange rates are used.



  • Choosing appropriate units of measurement

    Before measuring something, you need to know what unit to use. You can do this by estimating its approximate length, mass or volume.

  • How to convert between standard units of measurement

    Solving calculations of length, mass and capacity might involve converting between standard units. Understanding what kilo-, centi- and milli- mean will help you decide which number to multiply or divide by.

  • Calculating perimeter

    The perimeter of a shape is the total distance around its edge. To calculate the perimeter of a shape, you just have to add up the lengths of all of its sides.

  • Converting units of area and volume

    When converting between metric units of area and volume, the numbers you have to multiply or divide by need to be squared for area and cubed for volume.

  • Two-dimensional shapes

    Two-dimensional shapes are flat. The perimeter of a 2D shape is the total distance around the outside of the shape. The area of a 2D shape is the space inside the shape. Compound shapes can be split into different shapes to work out total area.

  • Three-dimensional objects

    An object’s volume is a measure of its total three-dimensional space and can be found using formulae. Volumes of composite objects can be found by breaking them down into simpler objects and adding the volumes together.

Impact of Mathematics on the world

Patterns and relationships

Expressions and equations

  • What is algebra?

    Algebra is part of maths where we use letters to represent unknown values or values that can change.

  • Simplify algebraic terms

    Algebraic expressions can be simplified by gathering like terms. Like terms are terms that feature the same variable, usually shown by a letter.

  • Substituting numbers into an expression

    When you know the value for letters in an algebraic expression you can substitute these values into the expression and solve it.

  • Solve linear equations

    An equation is a mathematical expression that features an equals sign. Solving an equation means finding a missing value, which is usually shown by a letter.

  • Create and solve simple equations

    An equation is a mathematical expression that contains an equals sign. Creating an algebraic equation is a useful step to finding an unknown value. You can solve an equation by using inverse mathematical operations.

  • Create and use algebraic formulae

    A formula is a mathematical rule that shows the relationship between different variables. A formula can be created and used for something that is calculated frequently.

2D shapes and 3D objects

  • Properties of 2D shapes

    2D shapes are flat, plane shapes. Triangles have three sides and three angles that add up to 180°. Quadrilaterals have four sides and four angles that add up to 360°.

  • Constructing triangles

    Learn how to construct triangles using a pencil, a piece of paper, a ruler, a protractor and a compass.

  • Properties of 3D objects

    3D objects have three dimensions - length, width and depth. Prisms are 3D objects with a constant cross section. Pyramids are 3D objects with a flat base and which taper to a vertex. Many three-dimensional objects can be constructed from 2D nets.

Angle, symmetry and transformation

  • Labelling, drawing and measuring angles

    Angles are often described using three letters. Angles can be drawn and measured using a protractor.

  • Finding angles between lines

    Complementary angles form a right angle. Supplementary angles form a straight line. Parallel lines in shapes can form corresponding and alternate angles. You can use these properties to find missing angles.

  • Angles in triangles and quadrilaterals

    Angles inside a shape are called interior angles. Interior angles in a triangle add up to 180°. Interior angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360°.

  • Symmetry and 2D shapes

    Parts of a shape on either side of a line of symmetry will be exact mirror images of each other. Different two-dimensional shapes have different numbers of lines of symmetry.

  • Linear scale factor

    Similar figures are identical in shape, but generally not in size. A missing length on a reduction/enlargement figure can be calculated by finding its linear scale factor.

Data analysis

  • Data handling

    It is important to make sure any information you work with is robust. Things to look out for include validity of the source, scale used, sample size, method of presentation and appropriateness of how the sample was selected.

  • Collecting and recording data

    When carrying out an investigation, you will need to collect and record data from which you can draw conclusions.

  • Presenting data - graphs, charts and diagrams

    Statistical information can be presented in diagrams, graphs and charts. The type you use will largely depend on the sort of data that you want to present.

  • Interpreting and describing data

    Data is presented in different ways across diagrams, charts and graphs. These can be studied to find specific information or to identify patterns, known as trends, in whole groups of data. These findings can then be summarised and described in words.

  • Ink colours for printing. Video

    An introduction to the four main colours of ink required to print a magazine.

Chance and uncertainty

Problem solving