
Elements of art

  • Colour

    Choices of colour and the relationships between colours have a huge influence on how a piece or art or design looks and feels and the emotions it provokes.

  • Tone

    Tone means how light or dark something is. The tones artists and designers use and the contrast between them can create very different moods and visual effects.

  • Line

    Lines are used by artists and designers to describe objects, add detail or create expression. Lines define an artwork and reveal the artist’s techniques.

  • Shape

    Shapes are two-dimensional. Positive shapes represent solid objects and negative shapes show the surrounding space. Geometric shapes are perfect and regular. Organic shapes are irregular and natural.

  • Form

    Form refers to three dimensional objects. While shapes have two dimensions (height and width), forms have three dimensions (height, width and depth).

  • Space

    Three-dimensional work creates real space. Two-dimensional works can create implied space using artistic technique. Objects take up positive space, while negative space is the empty space around them.

  • Texture

    Artists and designers can use actual texture in their work or they can suggest how something feels using techniques that imply texture.

  • Pattern

    A pattern is a design in which lines, shapes, forms or colours are repeated. The part that is repeated is called a motif. Patterns can be regular or irregular.

Principles of design

  • Balance

    The arrangement of elements in a composition can create balance or imbalance. Three key ways to create balance are through symmetry, asymmetry and radial symmetry.

  • Emphasis

    Emphasis is what makes part of a composition stand out. Artists and designers can emphasise something in various ways which include using its position, using converging lines, or by making it unusual.

  • Movement

    Most art and design work does not feature actual movement but artists can suggest movement and passing time through the techniques they use.

  • Proportion

    Proportion describes the relationship between the dimensions of different elements and an overall composition. Scale refers to an artwork’s size and how parts of a composition relate to each other.

  • Rhythm

    Rhythm refers to how elements are repeated or how they change and develop. Rhythm can be described as either regular, flowing or progressive.

  • Unity

    Unity refers to how different elements of an artwork or design work come together and create a sense of wholeness. It can be achieved through proximity, simplicity, repetition and continuation.

  • Variety

    Variety refers to how artists and designers add complexity to their work using visual elements. Contrast, difference and change, and elaboration all add visual interest to an artist’s work.

Areas of art and design

  • Painting

    Artists can experiment with paints, techniques and painting styles to give character to the subject of a painting and evoke different emotions from the viewer.

  • Drawing

    Artists can experiment with a variety of techniques, materials and media when drawing in order to develop and communicate ideas.

  • Printing

    Printing is the process of making images that can be transferred onto other surfaces. It can be used to make one or more identical images or to create repeating patterns on papers and textiles.

  • Photography

    Photography is the art of capturing and manipulating images. Photographers can use film and digital cameras as well as camera-less photography to create images.

Exam assessment

  • About the exam

    Artists and designers are influenced by many different factors, including the work and practice of other artists and designers. They often reflect on, analyse and evaluate other artists’ work and may be inspired by their styles and techniques.