
Composing music

  • How to write a song

    Get started with song writing and explore examples from Ed Sheeran, Elton John and Amy Winehouse.

  • Writing lyrics

    Explore writing lyrics and find out how you can capture your ideas into your own song.

  • Melody writing

    Explore writing a tune and find out how melodies are used in popular music.

  • Bass lines

    Explore writing a bass line and find out how different bass lines, such as a walking bass, are put together.

  • How to rap

    Explore rap, rhyme and flow and find out how to write your own original rap song.

  • Fusion music

    Discover fusion music, the pioneering artists and how to make your own fusions.

  • Composing music for video games

    Explore different elements of video game music and make your own.

  • Composing music for film

    Explore how film music is composed and find out how to make your own film composition.

Performing music

Evaluating music

  • British pop music

    Learn about and revise the musicians who have influenced British pop music.

Music technology

  • Found sounds

    What are found sounds, how are they used in pop music and how can you make your own?

  • Electronic music

    Explore music technology, how electronic music is produced and how to get started making your own.

  • Recording music

    Learn about the microphones, software and other technology that helps you record music.

  • DJing and mixing

    Explore the technology needed to DJ, what you need to know to play a set, and how to get started being a DJ.

  • Music rights and publishing - who owns your music?

    Learn all about the rights for the music you create and find out about publishing stories from stars like Stormzy.

Composing with Ten Pieces