
Energy sources and sustainability

  • What is energy?

    Find out where energy comes from and what the main types of energy are.

  • What is renewable and non-renewable energy?

    Discover the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy.

  • How is electricity generated?

    Find out how power stations generate electricity from different energy sources, and how the electricity we use every day gets to our homes.

  • What are batteries and energy stores?

    Learn how batteries store energy and how they can help make our energy use more sustainable.

  • What is biomass energy?

    Learn how biomass can be used as a renewable energy source and find out about its advantages and disadvantages.

  • What are fossil fuels?

    Learn how we use fossil fuels and why burning them causes climate change.

  • What is geothermal energy?

    Learn how geothermal energy from underground can be used as renewable energy and find out about its advantages and disadvantages.

  • What is hydroelectricity?

    Learn how hydroelectric dams generate renewable energy and find out about their advantages and disadvantages.

  • What is nuclear energy?

    Learn how nuclear energy can be used to generate electricity and find out about its advantages and disadvantages.

  • What is solar energy?

    Learn how solar energy is used to generate renewable energy and its advantages and disadvantages.

  • What is tidal energy?

    Find out what causes tides and how their renewable energy can be used to generate electricity.

  • What is wave energy?

    Learn how wave energy is being developed to generate renewable electricity and find out about its advantages and disadvantages.

  • What is wind energy?

    Learn how wind turbines generate renewable energy and find out about their advantages and disadvantages.

  • What are new renewables?

    Learn about some of the new developments in renewable energy and how these might help reduce climate change.

Materials and resources

  • Food and sustainability

    Learn about the impact of food choices on the environment and how eating local, seasonal food, reducing food waste and composting can help sustainable living.

  • Water and sustainability

    Learn about the impact of our water use on the environment and how we can use it more sustainably.

  • Plastic and sustainability

    Find out about what plastic is, the impact it has on the environment, and how we can reduce, reuse and recycle plastic to live more sustainably.

  • Metal and sustainability

    Learn about metals, how they are produced and why we use them. Find out how they affect the environment, and how we can reduce, reuse and recycle metals to live more sustainably.

  • Wood and sustainability

    Find out why wood is used, why trees are important, what deforestation is and how we can make more sustainable choices.

  • Glass and sustainability

    Learn about glass, how it is produced and why we use it. Find out how it affects the environment, and how we can reduce, reuse and recycle glass to live more sustainably.

  • Textiles and sustainability

    Find out about textiles, their impact on the environment and what we can do to make a positive change.

Living sustainably

  • Saving energy

    Learn about how we use and waste energy in our daily lives and the impact this has on the environment.

  • Impact on the environment

    Find out about the ways in which we can make a positive impact on our local and global environments.

  • How can we live more sustainably?

    Find out what sustainability means, why it matters and how to make sustainable choices.

  • Transport and sustainability

    Find out why some forms of transport damage the environment, what we can do to make a positive change and what the benefits and challenges ahead are.

  • Food and sustainability

    Learn about the impact of food choices on the environment and how eating local, seasonal food, reducing food waste and composting can help sustainable living.