
How does fog affect our daily lives?

Fog is something that's most likely to happen in the autumn and winter. But in what sort of ways does fog affect our daily lives?

In this article you can learn:

  • How fog can make it difficult to get about
  • How fog can affect ships and planes
  • What we can do to help ships at sea when it's foggy
  • How we can make it safer for ourselves when we're walking in fog

This resource is suitable for weather topics for primary school learners.

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Video - How does fog affect our daily lives?

Watch this video to learn how fog can affect our daily lives.

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How does fog affect transport?

  • Fog is something we're most likely to see in autumn or winter.
  • Runway lights at airports help planes take off and land when it is dark or misty. When the fog is very heavy flights can be delayed or even diverted to other airports.
  • Fog can make it difficult to drive. Drivers have to be careful and drive more slowly. They might have to use the car's fog lights. These extra strong lights help drivers see further in the fog. Fog lights also let other drivers know there are other cars on the road.
  • To help ships during fog, lighthouses cast a strong beam of light across the sea.
  • Something else which helps ships at sea are foghorns. Foghorns make a loud, deep regular noise. These warn ships when . they are near land or other ships.
  • Ships and boats can also use radar to find their way in fog and to warn others where they are.

Slideshow - Fog

This slideshow shows some of the ways we can make it safer to get about when there's heavy fog.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 5, A lighthouse shines its light at night, Lighthouse When there is heavy fog, it can be difficult for boats and ships to see clearly. A lighthouse can shine its light far out to sea in order to warn ships that they are close to land. (Sebastian Loram / Alamy)
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Staying safe in fog

We have to think about what we're going to wear when it's foggy. Anything that helps people see and be seen in fog will help their safety.

  • Bright coloured clothes help make you more visible from further away during the day.
  • High vis (short for high visibility) clothes are . Any sunlight makes them appear to glow, so they show up very strongly in fog during the day.
  • Reflective clothing reflects the light from car's headlights back towards the driver. They can make you more visible, especially at night.
  • Cyclists need bright headlights and rear lights to be seen in fog and at night. Adding lights to your clothes of bag can make you more visible even if you are just walking.
Woman in reflective coat cycling in fog
Image caption,
Wearing reflective and colourful clothing keeps you safe by making you stand out when it's foggy. (Andrew Bret Wallis / Getty Images)
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Capturing fog

A fog net, used to trap moisture

Fog doesn't always cause problems. In fact, sometimes it is helpful.

  • Fog nets can be used to collect the tiny water droplets in fog.
  • This is very useful in places where there is very little .
  • For example, fog catching nets are used in parts of Peru, Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico. The water collected is used for washing, cooking and watering crops.

Learn more about fog and fog nets here: What is fog?

A fog net, used to trap moisture
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Key words

Key words about fog

  • lighthouse - A tall building with a lamp at the top. The lamp turns to produce a regular beam of light which flashes across the sea to warn ships that land is close by.
  • foghorn - A device which makes low, deep regular sounds to warn ships at sea that they are close to land.
  • fog lights - Extra strong lights fitted to a car to allow drivers to see better in foggy weather.
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Find a lighthouse near you.

Light from lighthouses is used to warn ships that they're approaching land. This means the ships can steer clear of danger even if it is difficult to see because of the fog.

There are lighthouses around Scotland's coast. Try finding out where the nearest lighthouse is to you.

Can you draw a picture of it?

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