
Energy and heating

As well as transferring from one store to another, energy is transferred or transmitted from place to place. As it moves through a substance, energy is transmitted by conduction, convection or radiation.

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The aluminium base of a pan, the copper in the wires from a plug and the stainless steel of a kettle are all .

Key fact: A conductor is a material that allows to be transmitted through it easily.

Extended syllabus content: Particles and conduction

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know how thermal conduction works on an atomic level. Click 'show more' for this content:

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Diagram of a metal bar heated by a Bunsen burner, showing individual atoms beginning at an even room temperature, A metal bar is heated up
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Conduction experiment 1: Thermal conductors

There are a number of factors that affect how flows through an object. A very important factor is what the object is made from.

Comparing conductivities

The conductivity of materials can be compared by examining the time taken to transmit energy through them. A fan of rods made of different materials can be heated at one end with the same flame. Whichever rod gets hottest first at the other end is the best conductor. The material that heats the quickest is said to have a high .

An experiment setup. A tripod stand is set up over a bunsen burner. Rods made of different metals are arranged, fanned out, on the tripod, where the heat will reach them.

Key fact: Thermal conductivity is a measure of how well a material conducts energy when it is heated.

There are many solids that conduct thermal energy better than thermal insulators but do so less well than good thermal conductors.

Extended syllabus content: Thermal conductivity values

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to understand the conductivity values of different materials. Click 'show more' for this content:

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Conduction experiment 2: Thermal insulators

There are different ways to investigate methods of insulation. In this practical activity, it is important to:

  • make and record measurements of temperature and time accurately
  • measure and observe the effect of different materials as thermal insulators
  • use appropriate apparatus and methods to measure the effectiveness of different materials as thermal insulators

Aim of the experiment

To compare the effectiveness of different materials as thermal insulators.

Beaker with water in another empty beaker, covered with card on top. Thermometer put through card into small beaker, and a stopwatch on the side reading 00:00.


  1. Place a small beaker into a larger beaker.
  2. Fill the small beaker with hot water from a kettle.
  3. Put a piece of cardboard over the beakers as a lid. The lid should have a hole suitable for a thermometer.
  4. Place a thermometer into the smaller beaker through the hole.
  5. Record the temperature of the water in the small beaker and start the stopwatch.
  6. Record the temperature of the water every 2 minutes for 20 minutes.
  7. Repeat steps 1-6, each time packing the space between the large beaker and small beaker with the chosen insulating material.
  8. Plot a graph of temperature (y-axis) against time (x-axis).


Time (mins)No insulation (掳C)Material 1 (掳C)Material 2 (掳C)
Graph plotting time against temperature. 5 downward curves, each representating a different material. All curves start at 100 degrees and are measured for 20 minutes.


Plot all of the curves on the same axes. This will make the materials easier to compare.

This graph shows:

  • The curve which takes the longest time for the water temperature to drop (the shallowest) should be the material which is the best insulator.
  • The temperature falls quickly at high temperatures and slowly at low temperatures.
  • When the beaker is at a high temperature, there is a big difference between the temperature of the beaker and the temperature of the surrounding air. This means there is a high of transfer.
  • When the beaker is at a lower temperature, there is less difference between the temperature of the beaker and the temperature of the surrounding air. This means there is a lower rate of transfer.
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Convection is the flow of heat energy from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature by movement of a fluid.

Convection only occurs in fluids (liquids and gases).

Convection in liquids

Convection in a liquid can be seen by putting a crystal of potassium permanganate in a beaker of water and gently heating it with a Bunsen flame.

A beaker is heated and the coloured fluid inside shows convection currents
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A beaker is heated and the coloured fluid inside shows convection currents
  • Heat is initially transferred through the glass wall of the beaker by .
  • The water in the region of the Bunsen flame is heated.
  • It expands, becomes less dense and rises.
  • It is replaced by the cooler, denser water which surrounds it.
  • This water is in turn heated, expands becomes less dense and rises.
  • The process continues, a convection current is set up and heat is transferred through the liquid.
A beaker is heated and the coloured fluid inside shows convection currents
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A beaker is heated and the coloured fluid inside shows convection currents
A row of lava lamps
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Lava lamps

Convection currents can be seen in lava lamps.

The wax inside the lamp warms up, becomes less dense than the liquid, and so rises.

A row of lava lamps
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Lava lamps

Convection in gases

The two-chimney apparatus

A convection current in air can be demonstrated using the apparatus shown.

A container with a chimney structure at either end. A lit candle is positioned under one of the chimneys. A source of smoke is placed first over the candle chimney, making the smoke rise with the hot air from the candle, and then over the other chimney, causing the smoke to be drawn down the chimney into the container by the convection current from the candle.
  • A splint is lit and blown out so it is smoking
  • When the smoking splint is held in air the smoke rises
  • The splint is then held over both chimneys in turn as shown above
  • When the splint is held above the candle the smoke rises
  • When the splint is held above the other chimney the smoke is drawn down the chimney. It then passes across the horizontal section and up through the chimney above the candle

What is happening?

  • The candle flame heats the air around it
  • The hot air expands and increases in volume
  • The density of the air decreases, and it floats upwards, rising through the chimney
  • Cooler air is sucked in through the other chimney to replace the rising, warm air 鈥 a convection current has been set up
  • The smoke from the smouldering splint shows the path of the cool air


Early coal mines were ventilated with fresh air using a similar method. Two shafts were dug down from ground level to the mine and a fire was lit beneath one of them. As hot air rose upwards, fresh, clean, cool air was sucked down the other shaft and across the coal mine. However, lighting a fire in a coal mine caused safety issues, so this method is not used today.


Can you explain why, when a piece of card is set over the chimney that is not above the candle, the candle quickly goes out?

A convection current from a radiator

  • Air close to the radiator is heated.
  • It expands, becomes less dense and rises.
  • It is replaced by the cooler, denser air which surrounds it.
  • This air is in turn heated, expands becomes less dense and rises.
  • The process continues, a convection current is set up and heat is transferred through the air and hence through the room.
  • A radiator heats mainly by convection 鈥 not by radiation.
As the hot air above a radiator rises it pushes cooler air away from it. The cooler air eventually circulates back round to the radiator where it gets heated and the cycle continues.
Figure caption,
A convection current in air close to a radiator

Convection and weather

The heating of the Earth鈥檚 surface and atmosphere by the Sun causes convection in the atmosphere and oceans, producing winds, clouds and ocean currents.

For example, as the Sun heats the Earth鈥檚 surface, the air above it heats up, expands and rises. This air can continue to rise, cooling as it does so, forming fluffy, cauliflower-shaped cumulus clouds.

Sea breeze convection during the day

Sea breezes and land breezes

Temperature differences at the Earth's surface occur where there are different surfaces such as land and sea.

  • During the daytime, along the coast, the land heats up quicker than the sea water
  • Air above the land is heated, expands and begins to rise
  • The rising air is replaced by cooler air drawn in from the surface of the sea
  • This is why it can be cooler by the coast while further inland the temperature is higher
Sea breeze convection during the day
Sea breeze convection at night

In the evening and at night the reverse happens:

  • Land cools down more quickly than the sea
  • Air above the sea is heated, expands and begins to rise
  • The rising air is replaced by cooler air drawn off the land
Sea breeze convection at night
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The sun seen from space with Earth in the foreground.
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Light from the Sun reaching Earth

Thermal radiation is the transfer of heat energy from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature by infrared radiation.

All objects emit radiation.

Unlike conduction and convection, radiation takes place without the need of any particles.

Because no particles are involved, radiation can work through the vacuum of space.

This is why we can still feel the heat of the Sun even though it is 150 million km away from the Earth.

The sun seen from space with Earth in the foreground.
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Light from the Sun reaching Earth

Absorbing radiation

When an object absorbs radiation, it heats up and its temperature will rise.

You feel the heat of the Sun when you absorb the infrared radiation from it.

If a cloud passes in front of the Sun, you absorb less infrared, and it feels cooler.

Extended syllabus content: Thermal absorption experiment

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to understand an experiment to investigate rates of absorption of thermal radiation by different surfaces. Click 'show more' for this content:

Saucepan with a shiny silver exterior
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Saucepan with a shiny surface


Saucepans are shiny so that they don鈥檛 emit too much radiation and cool down too quickly.

Cricketers wear white to remain cool in summer as white it is a good reflector (poor absorber) of radiation.

Shiny silver blankets are used to stop heat loss from a person pulled from a cold sea after exercise.

Solar panels are black because black is a good absorber of radiation.

Radiators are often painted with white gloss paint, but they would be better at radiating heat if they were painted with matt black paint.

Saucepan with a shiny silver exterior
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Saucepan with a shiny surface
Solar panels under a clear blue sky
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Solar panels

Teapots and saucepans are shiny so that they don鈥檛 emit too much radiation and cool down too quickly.

Cricketers wear white to remain cool in summer as white it is a good reflector (poor absorber) of radiation.

Shiny silver blankets are used to stop heat loss from a person pulled from a cold sea or evacuated from a swimming pool.

Solar panels under a clear blue sky
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Solar panels
A radiator painted white
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A radiator

Solar panels should be black because black is a good absorber of radiation.

Radiators are often painted with white gloss paint, but they would be better at radiating heat if they were painted with matt black paint.

A radiator painted white
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A radiator

They are painted white to make them look nicer.

However, despite their name, radiators actually transfer most of their heat to a room by convection, not radiation.

So, radiators are the wrong colour, and have the wrong name.

Normally, heaters need to be red hot before they are any good at heating by radiation.

Extended syllabus content: Thermal radiation experiment

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to understand an experiment to investigate rates of thermal radiation from different surfaces. Click 'show more' for this content:

Extended syllabus content: Complex thermal transfers

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about times when more than one energy transfer occurs at once. Click 'show more' for this content:

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Test your knowledge of temperature changes and heat transfer with these quizzes.

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Teaching resources

Are you a physics teacher looking for more resources? Share this short film from Operation Awesome with your students. Presenter Steve Mould and students visit a Fire Safety teaching centre to experiment with infra-red cameras.

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