
Watch: Percentages

First watch this video from KS2 Maths to find out a bit about percentages.

Did you know?

Did you know?

All fractions can be converted to percentages and vice versa!

Per cent means out of a hundred. When we talk about percentages, we are referring to a fraction that is over one hundred.

Instead of writing it as a fraction, we use the per cent symbol (%).

59% = 鈦碘伖鈦勨倎鈧鈧

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Let's take a look at two methods to convert fractions into percentages.

Method 1

Since not all fractions have a denominator of 100, you have to convert the fraction into one that does.

Example 1

23/25 x 4 = 92/100

What is 虏鲁鈦勨倐鈧 as a percentage?

  • Step 1: Convert 虏鲁鈦勨倐鈧 into an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100. Remember, multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number.
  • Step 2: Now that you have the equivalent fraction of 鈦孤测亜鈧佲個鈧, you take the numerator and add the per cent sign!

鈦孤测亜鈧佲個鈧 = 92%

23/25 x 4 = 92/100

Example 2

2/5 x 20 = 40/100

What is as a percentage?

  • Step 1: Convert 鈪 into an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.
  • Step 2: Place the numerator 40 next to the per cent symbol.

鈦粹伆鈦勨倎鈧鈧 = 40%

2/5 x 20 = 40/100
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Method 2

What if you can鈥檛 convert the fraction into an equivalent with a denominator of 100? Not all numbers go into 100 after all.

Sometimes, you have to convert the fraction into a decimal first before finding the percentage.

Example 1

Top tip

What is 鲁鈦勨倛 as a percentage?

  • Step 1: Did you know that the fraction line also means divide? So 鲁鈦勨倛 can also be written as 3 梅 8.

So 3 梅 8 = 0.375

Top tip: You can always use the bus stop method to help you with division.

  • Step 2: Now that the fraction is a decimal, you multiply it by 100.

0.375 x 100 = 37.5

  • Step 3: Add the per cent sign next to 37.5.

So 鲁鈦勨倛 = 37.5 %

Top tip

Example 2

What is 鈦粹亜鈧 as a percentage?

  • Step 1: Divide the numerator by the denominator.

So 4 梅 6 = 0.67 (rounded to two decimal places)

  • Step 2: Multiply by 100.

0.67 x 100 = 67

  • Step 3: Add the per cent symbol.

So 鈦粹亜鈧 = 67 %

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Watch: Converting fractions and decimals into percentages

Now watch this video from 大象传媒 Teach which explains how to convert from a fraction to a percentage, and from a decimal to a percentage.

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Quiz 1

Converting quiz

Play this quiz and see how much you have learned about converting fractions and percentages. Can you get them all right?

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Quiz 2

Turning fractions into percentages

Use the methods we've learned in this lesson to turn these fractions into percentages.

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Quiz 3

Finding percentages

Have a go at answering these questions about finding percentages.

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NEW! Play Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica - the Halloween update. game

Experience Mathematica as you鈥檝e never seen it before, with all-new backgrounds and costumes for Halloween. Available for a limited time only. Use your maths skills to save the day before it's too late!

NEW! Play Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica - the Halloween update
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