Energy sources and sustainability
Find out how batteries can store energy and help power our homes, cars, and devices.
Biomass fuels
Find out how waste from farms and forests can be used as a fuel to generate electricity.
Fossil fuels
Find out how the fossilised remains of forests and sea creatures has provided power for generations.
Generating electricity
Find out how electricity can be generated from a variety of renewable and non-renewable sources.
Geothermal power
Find out how the Earth's heat can be used to generate electricity and to heat our homes.
Hydroelectric power
Find out how water can be used to generate clean electricity.
Nuclear power
Find out how nuclear power can generate huge amounts of clean energy.
Solar power
Find out how the sun's energy can be used to generate clean and renewable electricity.
Tidal power
Find out how the Earth's tides can generate clean, renewable energy
Wave power
Find out how waves can generate clean and renewable energy.
Wind power
Find out how the wind can be used to generate lots of clean, renewable energy.
New renewable energy sources
Find about newer forms of renewable energies.