
Electronic components are chosen based on factors such as their function. It is important to choose a component that is best fit for purpose.

You can learn about Voltage, Resistance, Current and Ohms law here

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Conductors and insulators

A wire with the insulator stripped back so the copper metal underneath can be seen.
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Most metals are good electrical conductors. Electrical cables are made from the metal copper.


Most metals allow to flow through them easily because they have a low .

The process of electrical current flowing through a wire is called , and materials that conduct are called conductors.

A wire with the insulator stripped back so the copper metal underneath can be seen.
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Most metals are good electrical conductors. Electrical cables are made from the metal copper.
A plug made out of plastic
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Mains electrical cables contain a metal wire, covered in plastic insulation. The case of the plug is usually made of plastic or rubber too.


Most non-metals, like plastic, glass and rubber do not allow to flow through them easily.

They have a high and are called insulators.

Non-metals are usually poor because they have very few free electrons. This makes it difficult for electrical current to flow through them. Insulators are materials that don’t allow an electrical current to flow through them.

A plug made out of plastic
Image caption,
Mains electrical cables contain a metal wire, covered in plastic insulation. The case of the plug is usually made of plastic or rubber too.
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Making a printed circuit board (PCB)

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, Hand placing a drawing of a circuit on the glass of a photocopier, Copy Photocopy or trace a copy of the circuit onto an acetate sheet to make a mask of the circuit. This is called the PCB Artwork.
  • Care is needed as a good PCB can be ruined by careless drilling.
  • Once the holes are drilled the PCB can be populated and the components soldered in place.
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Constructing a circuit diagram

When constructing a circuit diagram, symbols are used to represent the different components, this makes it easier and quicker to draw rather than drawing detailed components.

Commonly used components and their symbols

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 9, Symbol and photo of electronic buzzer,

Circuits can be drawn on the computer and symbols can be dragged onto a page and connected with lines. This allows the circuit to be tested before it gets made into a printed circuit board.

A schematic of a simple circuit showing how different components are connected together, including a battery and a switch.
Figure caption,
A schematic of a simple circuit showing how different components are connected together, including a battery and a switch.
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Basic electronic components

Electronic systems can be split up into three sections, these are:
Input → Process→ Output


Input devices allow systems to understand changes in the environment around them. It is a device used to input data or information. A switch is an example of an input device.

Switches can be used to turn circuits on and off.

Example: A push-to-make (PTM) switch allows current to flow (or a signal to be passed on for processing) when pressed - therefore ‘making’ the circuit. A push-to-break (PTB) switch does the reverse and ‘breaks’ the circuit.

The standard switch symbols for push-to-make and push-to-break switches alongside a photograph of the switch.
Figure caption,
Push-to-make (PTM) and push-to-break (PTB) switch diagrams


The standard electrical symbol for a transistor alongside a photograph of a transistor.

Process devices take the signal from the input stage of a system and act on it by changing it in some way.

Transistors are an example of a processing device, and are a special type of switch. When a small amount of volts is applied to the Base leg, a large current is allowed to flow from the Collector to the Emitter.

The standard electrical symbol for a transistor alongside a photograph of a transistor.
A transistor with its three legs labelled from left to right the emitter, the base and the collector.


Output devices allow a system to present information back into the ‘real’ world. Examples can be seen everywhere, from car indicators to doorbell buzzers or lights. Examples of output devices include light emitting diodes (LED’s), buzzers and motors.

LED’s are the most common component used for producing light. The long leg is the positive (+) side, known as the anode, and the short leg is the negative (-) side, known as the cathode. If put into a circuit the wrong way round it will not work.

Standard electrical symbol for a light-emitting diode (LED) shown alongside images showing the positive long leg anode and the negative short leg cathode.
Figure caption,
Light emitting diode (LED)


Resistors are another example of a processing device. Resistors are used to restrict the flow of current around a circuit and can prevent damage to components.

Resistors used in electrical circuits have a tolerance of how much power they allow into a circuit. When reading the value of a resistor, it must be held with the gold or silver band to the right - this is the tolerance band.

The standard electrical symbol for a resistor alongside a photograph of a resistor.
A breakdown of the values of the different coloured bands available on a resistor to calculate resistance.
Figure caption,
The above picture shows yellow (4), violet (7) and red (× 100) = 47 × 100 = 47,000 ohms (Ω)

Band 1 = First Number
Band 2 = Second Number
Band 3 = Number of Zeros (Multiplier)
Band 4 = Tolerance

The amount of tolerance a resistor has is shown with the colour of the fourth stripe and is usually silver or gold.
Silver = +/- 5%
Gold = +/- 10%

Resistors in series:

Resistors are used to restrict the flow of current around a circuit and can prevent damage to components.
Resistors in series means that they are arranged in a way that is one after the other.

Circuit diagram with one battery and three resistors in series. The resistance is labelled R1, R2 and R3. The voltage  is labelled V1, V2 and V3 and the current is labelled I1, I2 and I3.
Figure caption,
Resistors in series

When calculating resistors in series the following calculation is used.

\(R_{Total} = R_1 + R_2\)

Potential divider rule

A voltage divider does as its name suggests - it divides a supply voltage across two resistors which are connected in series.

The supply voltage is divided in the ratio of the resistances in the voltage divider.

Voltage divider circuit diagram: 2 resistors,R1 and R2,connected vertically,each with a voltmeter,V1 and V2.Top of circuit is labelled V in, bottom is 0 V, branch between two resistors labelled V out.

\({V} = \text{Supply Voltage} \times \frac{{{R_1}}}{{{R_1} + {R_2}}}\)

If one of the resistances in a voltage divider increases, then the voltage across that resistor also increases. This may appear to be the wrong way round but it is because of the way the resistors are connected together.

The circuit of a voltage divider may be drawn with the two resistors vertical, not horizontal. If there are two resistors in series across a voltage source, then the circuit is a voltage divider.

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A voltage divider consisting of two 500Ω resistors is connected across a 9V battery. Calculate the voltage across one of the resistors.

Series circuit with two 500 ohm resistors and a 9V battery

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