
  • Multiples, factors and primes

    • Common multiples

      Multiples are numbers that can be divided by other numbers. Common multiples can be divided by two or more numbers. The lowest common multiple is the smallest number that two or more numbers can divide into.

    • Common factors

      A factor is a number that divides into another number exactly. A common factor is a number that two numbers can both divide into exactly. The highest common factor is the largest number that divide into two numbers exactly.

    • Prime numbers

      Prime numbers are numbers that can only be divided by themselves and one. If a number is a multiple of any other number, then it is not a prime.

    • Writing a number as a product of its prime factors

      A factor is a number which divides exactly into another number. 1 is a factor of every number and every number is a factor of itself.

    • Solve problems using multiples and factors

      Many maths problems involve using multiples and factors to find the answer. If you are set a word problem you should look at the key information given to see if you need to use factors or multiples.