
What is the environment?

Penguins on an ice cap.

The environment is the world, including plants and animals, that surrounds us and the conditions we live in. Humans can have an impact on their environment by how they live and what they do.

Penguins on an ice cap.

Watch: Learn about the environment

Find out more about climate change and recycling.

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Pollution is when harmful substances are released into the environment.

These substances damage or harm and change the planet.

Pollution can happen:

  • Naturally, such as result of a volcanic eruption or a tsunami.

  • As a result of human activity.

An illustration of an industrial scene with smoke coming out of chimneys and cooling towers

Human activity has harmed the Earth in many ways:

Air pollution

When harmful gases, chemicals and particles enter the air, the air becomes polluted. Air pollution can be caused byfactories, cars, chemicals, fumes from spray cans and gas called methane, which is released from landfills where rubbish is buried.

Air pollution is mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas, and oil. Because of the large number of vehicles using fossil fuels in the world today, the levels of in the atmosphere are too high. That causes the surface temperature of the Earth to rise. This is called global warming.

Soil pollution

Soil pollution can be caused by the waste produced by factories and industries, acid rain and household waste.

Water pollution

Often dangerous chemicals are used to protect crops from pests. These chemicals can enter streams and affect large areas. Pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans has a major impact on wildlife. Oil spills are one of the greatest causes of water pollution.

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An aeroplane

The population of the Earth is increasing, which means that demand for goods, food, travel and industries is also rising.

To survive, humans must interact with the Earth in a way that would make sure there will be enough resources for future.

This is called sustainability.

An aeroplane
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Impacts of climate change

Global warming has a major impact on our planet; the Earth鈥檚 is changing.

  • Sea ice and glaciers are melting, which leads to rising sea levels.
  • Extreme weather events such as hurricanes are happening more often.
  • Many animal and plant species are in danger of losing their .
  • Farming can be affected by drier and warmer conditions, which could lead to food shortages.
  • Some rivers, which depend on snow supplies, could be affected and experience water shortages, as well as places that depend on water supplies from glaciers.

Some of these changes are already happening; others could happen in the future if are not reduced and the changing of the climate is not slowed down.

An illustration showing climate change with a drought area and melting glaciers with penguins and a polar bear
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Did you know.

Not all emissions can be reduced to zero; so instead, people are trying to find ways of removing the harmful gases from the atmosphere.

Planting trees is one of them, because they can absorb carbon dioxide.

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Ways of helping

An illustration showing renewable energy sources, recycling and beef and fish consumption

The UK government has set itself a target to reach almost no emissions of gases that cause the greenhouse effect by 2050.

Humans are trying to reduce carbon emissions in different ways:

  • using more to make electricity

  • using electric cars or hybrid cars, which release less harmful gases

  • recycling and using recycled materials to make products

  • consuming local produce to avoid the need for transportation of goods

  • avoiding waste

  • avoiding the use of plastic

  • reducing how much beef they eat as cows produce another greenhouse gas called methane.

An illustration showing renewable energy sources, recycling and beef and fish consumption
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Recycling sign.

Waste is things and products that are thrown away because they are unusable or people don鈥檛 want them anymore.

There are different types of waste:

  • Food waste
  • Clothing waste
  • Electronic waste such as TVs, mobile phones, laptops, fridges
  • Paper waste
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Glass
Recycling sign.
Types of bins: Paper, plastic and food.
Image caption,
Waste is sorted into three types: paper, plastic and food.

One of the ways to reduce carbon emissions is to reduce waste, for example by using reusable products rather than single-use items, such as plastic cutlery or disposable nappies.

Another way of reducing waste is to recycle. When a part of, or the whole of a used product is used for something else, it is called recycling.

Recycling plays a large part in protecting our environment.

Different types of waste can be recycled in different ways:

Types of bins: Paper, plastic and food.
Image caption,
Waste is sorted into three types: paper, plastic and food.
Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Recycling glass., Glass Glass and metal are broken into small pieces, which can be melted and made into new things.
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