
Once data has been collected, it can be sorted and processed in different ways depending on the purpose of the survey. Finding an average value – mean, median or mode - is often useful.

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The mean is the most commonly used measure of average.

To find the mean of a list of numbers, add them all together and divide by how many numbers there are:

\(\text{mean} = \frac{\text{sum of all the numbers}}{\text{amount of numbers}}\)


7 babies weigh the following amounts:

2.5 kg, 3.1 kg, 3.4 kg, 3.5 kg, 3.5 kg, 4 kg, 4.1 kg

Find the mean weight of the babies.

\(\text{mean} = \frac{2.5 + 3.1 + 3.4 + 3.5 + 3.5 + 4 + 4.1}{7} = \frac{24.1}{7} = 3.44 \) (2 dp).

The mean weight of the babies is 3.44 kg.

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The median is the middle value when the values are arranged in order.


The weights of 7 babies are:
2.5 kg, 3.1 kg, 3.4 kg, 3.5 kg, 3.5 kg, 4 kg, 4.1 kg

Find the median weight of the babies.


The numbers are already in order.
The median is the middle value.

Cross off the first and last values:

\(\cancel {2.5 kg}, 3.1 kg, 3.4 kg, 3.5 kg, 3.5 kg, 4 kg, \cancel {4.1 kg} \)

Repeat until you reach the middle:

\(\cancel {2.5 kg}, \cancel {3.1 kg}, \cancel {3.4 kg}, \fcolorbox{RED}{white}{3.5 kg}, \cancel {3.5 kg}, \cancel {4 kg}, \cancel {4.1 kg}\)

The median weight of these babies is 3.5 kg.

An alternative method is to find which item of data is the median.
This is a more practical method if there are a large number of values.

There are 7 numbers, so adding 1 to 7 then dividing by 2 gives: \(7 + 1 = 8 \div 2 = 4 \)

The median value is the 4th number in the list:


The median weight of these babies is 3.5kg.

Median for an even number of values

If there are an odd number of values, there will be one middle value.

In the example above, there are 7 values. The median is the 4th value with 3 values on either side.
If there is an even number of values, there will be two middle values and the median is the mean of these values.


If another baby was born that weighed 3 kg then the list would be like this:

2.5 kg, 3 kg, 3.1 kg, 3.4 kg, 3.5 kg, 3.5 kg, 4 kg, 4.1 kg

Now there are 2 items of data in the middle, so the median is half way between 3.4 kg and 3.5 kg, which is 3.45 kg

The median weight of these 8 babies is 3.45 kg.

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Ten Year 12 pupils were asked how many books they had borrowed from the library the previous term.

The responses were:


What was the median number of books borrowed?

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The mode or modal value is the number, or item, which occurs most often in a set of data.
There may be one mode, no mode or more than one mode.


One mode4566688
Mode is 6 - it occurs 3 times.
No mode456789
No mode - all values occur only once.
More than one mode141514161715
Modes are 14 and 15 - both occur twice.
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Milo throws two dice and adds the numbers together.
He records the results shown below.


What is the modal result?

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The range shows how spread out a set of data is.

The bigger the range, the more spread out the data.
A smaller range indicates that the data is closer together or is more consistent.

The range of a set of numbers is the largest value minus the smallest value.

Range = largest value − smallest value


7 babies have the weights shown below:

2.5 kg, 3.1 kg, 3.4 kg, 3.5 kg, 3.5 kg, 4 kg, 4.1 kg

Find the range of the weights of the babies.

Range = biggest value − smallest value

4.1 − 2.5 = 1.6


The range of weights is 1.6 kg.

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The times taken, in minutes, for 12 students to complete an IT task are shown below.


What is the range of these times?

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Mean, median and mode from a frequency table

When data is presented on a frequency table, the mean, median and mode of the data can be found.

The table below shows the amount of goals scored in 10 football matches.

Number of goalsFrequency

Finding the mean from a table

The mean is found by adding up all the numbers and dividing by how many numbers there are.

To find the mean in this example, the total number of goals must be found and then divided by the number of games.

From the table, it can be seen that in 2 games no goals were scored. This makes a grand total of zero goals so far. The rest of the total amount of goals can be worked out in this way, by multiplying goals (\(x\)) by the frequency (\(f\)). Call this column \(fx\) (\(f\) multiplied by \(x\)).

Number of goals \(x\)Frequency \(f\)\(fx\)
020 x 2 = 0
121 x 2 = 2
252 x 5 = 10
313 x 1 = 3

The total number of goals is 15. There were 10 football games so \(15 \div 10 = 1.5\).

The mean number of goals is 1.5 goals per game.

Remember to divide \(fx\) by the total of the frequencies, not by the amount of different items of data – the correct answer here is \(\frac{15}{10}\) not \(\frac{15}{4}\).

Finding the mode from a table

The modal value is the value that occurs most. From a table, this means the modal value is the one with the highest.

Number of goalsFrequency

There were five football matches where 2 goals were scored, which is a higher frequency than any other amount of goals.

The modal amount of goals scored is 2.

Finding the median from a table

The median value is the middle value when all items are in order. In this table, the amounts of goals are in order, as they start with zero goals and move up to three goals scored.

\(\text{Median} = \frac{n + 1}{2}\). To find the value that is the median for a set of items of data, add 1 to n and then divide by 2. The total frequency is 10, so there are 10 items of data.

Number of goalsFrequency

To find the median, work out \(\frac{n + 1}{2} = \frac{10 + 1}{2} = \frac{11}{2} = 5.5\) which means the median will be half way between the 5th and 6th items of data.
Go down the frequency column totalling the numbers until you find the category that contains the 5th and 6th items of data.

Number of goalsFrequencyCumulative frequency
122 + 2 = 4
254 + 5 = 9
3119 + 1 = 10

The third group starts with the 5th item of data, so the 5th and 6th items of data will both be 2. The median number of goals is 2.

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Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 5, Number of late pupils (x) 0 1 2 3 4 5 / Number of days (f) 9 5 4 1 0 1, Find the mean number of pupils who were late.
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Stem and leaf diagrams

A stem and leaf diagram shows numbers in a table format. It can be a useful way to organise data to find the median, mode and range of a set of data.


The marks that a class score in a maths test are shown below.


A stem and leaf diagram is drawn by splitting the tens and units column. The tens column becomes the 'stem' and the units become the 'leaf'.

Example of unordered stem and leaf diagram

Stem and leaf diagrams must be in order to read them properly.

The 'leaf' should only ever contain single digits. Therefore, to put the number 124 in a stem and leaf diagram, the 'stem' would be 12 and the 'leaf' would be 4. To put the number 78.9 into a stem and leaf diagram, the 'stem' would be 78 and the 'leaf' would be 9. In this case, the key would indicate that the split between stem and leaf is a decimal.

In this example the Key: 4|5 = 45 marks. So a 4 in the stem column and a 5 in the leaf columns means 45. Indicating the stem had tens and the leafs are units.

Example of ordered stem and leaf diagram


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 10, A grid of raw data. The grid has ten columns and three rows. Each cell is populated with a number. The first row is: seven, thirty six, forty one, thirty nine, twenty seven, twenty one, twenty four, seventeen, twenty four, thirty one. The second row is: seventeen, thirteen, forty six, fifty, twenty three, thirty one, nineteen, eight, ten, fourteen. The third row is: forty five, forty nine, thirty six, forty five, thirty two, twenty five, seventeen, eighteen, twelve, six., A maths test is marked out of 50. The marks awarded to different students are shown in this table. This is difficult to interpret. It is not in order, and it is hard to see the highest or lowest score.

Median and Range from a Stem and Leaf Diagram


The stem and leaf diagram shows the ages of patients in a clinic's waiting room

Key 6| 2 means 62 years old 5|0 2 4 6 9  6|1 2 4 5 7  7|2 5 5 7 8  8 |1 4

Use the diagram to find

  1. the median age
  2. the range of the ages


  1. The values on the stem and leaf are already in order.
    The median mark is the middle mark. There are 17 values so to the median value is the 9th.
    Answer: The median age is 65.

  2. The range of ages = largest value - smallest value
    = 84 - 50 = 34
    Answer: The range for the ages is 34 years

Key 6| 2 means 62 years old 5|0 2 4 6 9  6|1 2 4 5 7  7|2 5 5 7 8  8 |1 4
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