
Watch: Adding two numbers together

Fin and Snoot add up some of their favourite snacks: space grubs and astro bugs.

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An illustration of a young boy thinking with a bubble saying 'Did you know?'.


It doesn't matter which way round you add numbers. The answer is always the same.

1 + 2 will always be the same as 2 + 1

You might find it easier to start with the bigger number and add the smaller one.

7 + 2 might be easier if you turn it round to 2 + 7.

2 + 7 = 9

7 + 2 = 9

Try it yourself. What works for you?

An illustration of a young boy thinking with a bubble saying 'Did you know?'.
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We know that 2 + 7 = 9. With this information we can move the numbers around again to make more number facts.

7 - 2 = 5

9 - 7 = 2

While juggling, Fin and Snoot learn that subtraction is the opposite of addition.

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An illustration of a young boy thinking.

Fact families

A fact family is a group of calculations that are created using the same three numbers. For example, here is a fact family that uses the numbers 2 , 4 and 6.

2 + 4 = 6

4 + 2 = 6

6 - 2 = 4

6 - 4 = 2

An illustration of a young boy thinking.
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Activity 1

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Karate Cats Maths game. game

Train with the Karate Cats to become an expert in addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, place value and more!

Karate Cats Maths game
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