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ad a dog nex` dower, barkin` it wud`nt stop, So o` thaw`t od` gee it `ond,
wi` the elp o` me mother`s prop, so o` powked it threw the fence, each time it
barked un yapped, Then wun day e` grabbed it, un bit it til` it snapped.
Me babby聰
that`s wot the od`e lady called it, the one that lived nex dower, 聯Wus
e` doin` t` yo? thus wood all over the flowa, 聯Now cum on me little darlin`,
his dad`ll soon be back,O`ll tell im what he`s dun, he`s sure t` get a smack.聰
So wen me dad
cum um ,un o` tode im wat o`d dun, How o`d fought the beast nex聮 dower, with
the prop un neera gun, How he`d tryed t` jump the fence, un savage is little
kid, How with the help o` me mother`s prop,un a metal dustbin lid,
Now me dad
wor` avin` non o` it, cus e` knew me e` wus me dad! The od`e lady nex` dower,
ad tode im o` wus a liy`a, un ar` wus bad. He grabbed me by the earhole, un
slung me cross his lap, e` pulled me trouser`s round me knee`s, un gid me but
a slap, Now
wen od` finished blartin, o` wiped the tear`s from me eye`s,un O` wus snivellin
in the gardin` shed, plottin` the dogs demize, now o` could`nt use the prop,
cus it wus broke, as ya` know, so o` searched round the gardin` ,lookin fer
summat t` throw, Now
o` found un arf` en` ducker, un o` thawt` jus the job, o`ll wait till the
od`e mon`s gone t` werk, un o`ll chuck it at the dog, o`ll stand by the fence,
un bide me time, un wen o` get the chance, if the coast`s all clear,o`ll throw
the brick, un mek the varmint dance,
now wat o` day` know, wus the lady,
in er` wisdom, ad let im goo, so o` stood by the fence wi` me arf` end brick
wunderin` wat t` do, on earin` a growl behind me ,o` trembled un feared the
werst so o` turned round quick, t` see me dad wi` a stick,un the dog staring
in me ferse. gertcha
ya` bloody varmint,of catched ya` in the act, if ya` gunna throw the brick,
yo`de berra be quick,cus this dogs really fast. well o` day throw it did I,
o` jus scarpered quick as o` cud, un even thou o` wus runnin, o` felt the
wind, of that piece o`wood. un wi` that dog snappin` at me heels, un the ode`
mon breathin smoke, ,o` woe be gooin dowen that road agen, unless o` course
,the varmints on a rope. 聯BOUNCE聰
- from Walsall |