Title: Dou Ka Wasurenai De
Image by Jo from East Sussex | in fashion, design & create, recycling

I used a pair of old jeans from my brother and left over cotton from a project to create a summer design that can be dressed either up or down. I also wanted a design that was both innovative, yet mainstream enough for everyday fashion. I feel that the darts in the front were the most successful part of the top as darts were new to me and I wanted to fit the top to the body more. Furthermore I was inspired by the changes in the seasons, in particular the movement from winter through spring and into summer, and symbolic of this is the transition from winter spent in denim to the flowing cotton garments of summer. The title itself means "Please Don't Forget" in Japanese as it sounds more poetic than in English, yet still carries the message of how we have to be aware of the detrimental effect which we can have on our environment and how we can help by recycling.