Title: Untitled
Image by Lukas from London | in fashion, design & create, drawings/design

This outfit plays on 3 key themes from Mexico. Firstly, the dress has been designed in such a way that it resembles the highly recogniseable High Priests Temple at Chichen Itza, coming down in 'steps' so it gets progressively wider. Secondly the Head Feathers and Shoes are reminiscent of traditional indiginous mexican outfits. with the heels resembling huaraches. Finally, the theme that pulls the whole outfit together is the colours Red, white and green - the three stripes on the Mexican flag. These colours are featured in the shoes, the head feathers, and the white 'staircase' section of the dress along with the two gloves on eitherside forms a large mexican flag in the centre. I chose not to design a traditional mexican outfit, but an outfit that has clearly drawn inspiration from the theme 'Mexico'.