Title: El Policia AlbumArt.
Image by Tommy from Scotland | in art & design, design, graphic design

I chose 'El Policia' because, in my opinion, they were the most interesting of the artists. The design looks 'laid-back', 'relaxed', 'cool', which shows El Policia's musical style because they are and indie band, and indie music is all about being relaxed and indipendant. Ohh.. and of course, sounding good :D! One of the 'El Policia' portrait images inspired me to create the album art in this way. I was inspired also by the fact that they like darker colours, as I do not like working with TOO MUCH colour. I used 'Macromedia Fireworks 8' to create this album art, digitally, because I'm familiar with this program. I've used portraiture in my design by using six of the El Policia photographs in my design.