Title: The perception of young people...
by Sammie from Isle of Man | in writing, non-fiction
Why is it that when you walk down a street wearing a hoody, or an item of clothing with a hood, you get at least one odd look from an adult?
The ever increasing amount of gang culture in the UK has affected how a lot of young people are seen in society. Not in the most positive way either.
There are a lot of idiots in this world, and, as the saying goes, 'one rotten apple spoils the barrel'... This is exactly the case. The Government then complain about how we young people loiter in the streets, but there is nothing else to do! Things like youth clubs, music classes, sports, and so on, only last a couple of hours. Yes, that time is consumed by an activity, but what about the rest of the time?
I find the Government quite hypocritical in the way they do one thing and then contradict themselves. It's like when Gordon Brown admitted mistakes had been made when he met Barack Obama, yet he won't admit that things are going wrong and everything isn't going as swimmingly as they make them out to be...
My ranting about life for young people at the moment... One thing leads to another with me. I tend to lose my point! Ha-ha.