Title: Optimism
by Jack from East Yorkshire | in writing, poetry
Optimism is the voice in your head,
That tells you that glass of water you drink
Is not half-empty, but half-full.
Optimism is the person who,
When he is attacked and badly injured
Thinks 'Oh well, at least I'm alive'.
Optimism is the person who says
That he doesn't care, that it doesn't matter
If he does something wrong.
Optimism is the feeling that
You don't have to take things so seriously,
And that it will be okay.
Optimism is the fact
That life will not forever last,
So calm down and have some fun.
Optimism is not commonplace,
Life seems like the longest race,
No-one stops to think that we're wasting our lives,
If we are not happy.
So stop making people's lives a misery,
You wouldn't be happy if it happened to you,
So try and help people around you to optimise.
I was watching the news one day, and it was easy to see that the world really needs cheering up, so I wrote this little piece.