Title: Being cool
by Lois | in writing, poetry
Being cool isn't about popularity,
Or having the latest trends.
It's about being proud of who you are
In your miniature group of friends.
Being cool isn't about drinking, drugs,
Or falling into the wrong crowd.
It's about having the ability to say no
To the most immoral things around.
It doesn't matter if you're geeky,
It doesn't matter if you're lacking style.
Just as long as you're proud of yourself,
You'll make those cool kids run a mile!
When I'm at school or around the area I live in, I can't help but notice that a lot of people do the wrong thing because they might think it's 'cool' (such as smoking, for instance). It also made me think of dudes who are perhaps forced to do stuff they don't want to do just so they can fit in with the 'popular' crowd. The thoughts and ideas I had inspired me to write the poem 'Being Cool'. Essentially, the overall message is that you should be yourself, stand up what you believe in and don't fall into peer pressure!