Title: First love, a poem for A.B
by Sam from Northamptonshire | in writing, poetry
Through valleys deep, through forests green,
Through vast white clouds above,
I don't think there's something I've seen
With beauty like first love.
She captivates, with one smooth word,
And flutters of her eyes;
My heart beats fresh, like new born birds:
New wings across new skies.
And though the demons lie in wait
'Round every fateful bend-
I know I've opened love's white gates
This love will never end.
And though, darling, our hearts may seem
Not close, as one might seek
And though each other, we've not seen
For a whole, year-long week,
I hope you know, as love is true,
Pure as the whitest dove
That, for me, there's only you:
My beautiful first love.
My beautiful girlfriend inspired me to write this :)