Title: How times have changed...
by Jade from Norfolk | in writing, non-fiction
I'm only 17 years old and it is funny to think how much things have visibly changed in my lifetime.
Let's take music for an example- when I was young you would listen to cassette tapes, and mixed tapes were one of the romantic presents you could give. Then there were CDs, EVERYONE had CD players and masses of CDs. Now though, even buying those isn't that common. Most people either buy music on the internet and download it to their mp3 players or phones, or illegally to that. Its just so strange how in less than two decades, you can go through two huge stages of development.
Then there's things like the internet. We didn't have a computer when I was a child, not until my teens, now I don't know anyone that doesn't have the internet, let alone a computer.
You can do anything on the internet now as well, emails, research, shopping, meeting people- there isn't much you can't do.
I don't like it, I miss the good old days where you would have to go to the library to do research, or go to the shop to buy your clothes. The days where if you didn't like the song or the credits at the beginning of the film, you would have to spend ages fast forwarding cassette or video tape.
Things have changed so much in my life time!
Just something I've been thinking about.