Title: I'm in
by Charlotte from East Yorkshire | in writing, poetry
I'm in because I want to
I'm in because I care
I'm in because they need us
And I want life to be fair.
I'm in because there's hunger
I'm in because there's death
I'm in because they're dying
While I'm asleep in bed
I'm in because they need help
I'm in because they need us
I'm in because they're unhealthy
And dying in the dust
I'm in because I want to
I'm in because I care
I'm in because they need us
And life NEEDS to be fair.
I was sat at home, bored of revising for exams, when I thought about how selfish and bad I was being, and how there were worse things in the world. I then saw an advert for an Oxfam appeal and thought I would write a poem to help me express how I felt about it.