Title: Little Blue Pill
by Debora | in writing, fiction
It was the middle of Winter, I'd just gotten home to find a bunch of bills to pay.
I sighed and just put them down on the table, my room mate smiled at me as I walked into the room then got busily back to her work. We had a lot of projects on our hand and a part-time job to do, life was getting too hectic for both of us to even sleep. I put down my bag and thought that I'd get some work done. I opened up my bag ad saw the little blue tablets that my friend Francis had given me to help me stay awake longer. I stared at it and just left it in there, I wasnt going to take it I was stronger than that but i thought about it.
There was a loud banging noise that was coming from the front door, i got out of bed and looked out the window, it was 3 men. They looked like body-builders, I wondered what they wanted.
I opened the door to find that they were Repo-Men, they came in and took the TV, Stereo and the laptop. I didnt know what to do or say I'd heard that you cant argue with Repo-Men.
My Room mate came home to an almost empty flat, all that they had for us to entertain ourselves with was the small radio. She looked at the house in shock.
That night I cried, I didn't have enough money to pay any of my share of the bills, she payed for it all and i owed her still. That night i walked into the kitchen and poured myself a drink of water and put a pill in my mouth.
In the morning just lying there with broken glass all around me, my room mate found me she couldnt believe it. To be honest neither could I.
I wouldnt be that stupid to try and take that little blue pill. I went into the kitchen and threw away the packet of pills then went back to my studies.
When you hear on the news about students killing themselves on the news because they couldn't pay their bills, i thought that those stories needed a happy ending.