Title: The story of elements
by Aimee from Northern Ireland | in writing, poetry
An invisible life, an invisible hand,
Gently tickling against my skin.
It's cool and calming,
But can be disastrous.
Soft moans and whistles,
Bringing lifeless leaves to life.
Feeling it numb my skin,
Leaving me with piercing shrills gushing down my spine.
A bright light flickering through the darkness,
Defending its orange beauty.
It's beautiful in its own right,
But touch it and it will strike.
Strong roars and crackling echoes,
Devouring everything surrounding.
Almighty, blinding flames reflecting off my eyes,
Leaving a sense of warmth fill my blood.
Petite, brown particles,
Satisfied to be held in my palms.
It's dense and lifeless,
Yet so very alive.
Hearing faint shuffles as it travels,
The soft crunches as it's stood on.
Coolness and dampness of its touch,
Leaving me as it trembles with the breeze.
A blue liquid sparkling in the sun,
Cleansing and caressing every inch of my flesh.
It's soothing and relaxing,
But can be horrific.
Bubbles erupting as it tumbles over golden sand,
The sharp, icy water nibbling at my toes.
Crashing and slapping itself off rocks,
Leaving me shake with uncontrollable shivers.
Credits: Aimee KHS