Title: Just a friend
by Bethany | in writing, poetry
I laugh at your immature jokes,
Even when they're not funny,
Just to see your beautiful smile.
I forgive you for ignoring me,
At school lunchtime,
Because I could never be angry.
I feel special when my phone buzzes,
And smile when I see who it's from,
Your name in default writing, the three letters that I long.
I make pointless conversations,
And beg for your attention,
Just to hear your voice.
My heart leaps in the air,
When you say you don't like that girl,
Do I even have a chance?
I get the message you sent last night,
You're in love with someone new,
Could it be me, could it be true?
I ask that fateful question,
My heart teeters on the edge,
Then the name comes through.
A girl he met through a friend,
She added him on myspace,
Tears gather in my eyes.
She beautiful and funny,
And thinks he's 'fit' as well,
He says its love and, she agrees.
I can't say a word about my pain,
Especially not to him,
I've been labelled 'just a friend',
And that's all I'll ever be.
A boy I love who got a girlfriend before I could tell him.