Title: A dance with the Devil
by Hassan from London | in writing, poetry
He's always with you,
Just like the angel beside,
But it's on the left, it's just where it resides
When you're alone, and simply plain terrified
It rises and falls, just like a tsunami's tide,
You're sittin there, screaming for some help and cried,
The devil spoke to you, said come with me, take pride,
But you fell for the one thing that fooled you, it lied...
You've walked into the arms of the wrong power,
You're young, still blossoming like a flower,
He feeds on that, the confused young mind,
That's so soft to every friend it finds,
You made a mistake, and you stepped on that coal mine,
You're seeing what reality could have been,
But it's sealed now just my wounded skin,
Through the darkness there isn't a single light,
Nowhere to breath, scream, cry or fight,
There's a place in you're heart you can confide within,
Speak to it and tell it all of you're sin,
It will release you whatever situation you're in,
So don't stop believing..
A Dance with the Devil can begin
A song called A dance with the Devil by Immortal Technique.