Title: Am I in love?
by Kristie from Northumberland | in writing, poetry
Am I in love?
You give me wings, so I can fly, very high up in the sky.
When we kiss, my legs go funny, especially when you say 'I love you honey'
We met in year 7, in that dreadful maths class, but when our eyes met I felt like I was in heaven.
You are never off my mind, I'm thinking about you all the time.
You asked me out when we was in year 8, I said yes, but you dumped me for my best mate Kate.
Then you asked me back out again, this time when we were in year 9.
Now we have been together for nearly a year, plus you haven't dumped me Leah.
You say want to marry me, so I said get down on one knee.
My mum says we're moving to fast, but I say that we are going to last.
Kyle, babes you are my whole world, I love it when we dance and you give me a swirl.
Well I wrote this poem just for you, just to let you know, I will always be yours this true