Title: The Pea, the Bee and the Man
by Chris A from Nottinghamshire | in writing, poetry
The policiba was spewned upon the beach,
Mind hopping and flopping out of reach.
The eye's smile was chortling with joyous joy;
The black-hatted trooper marched up like a toy,
To pick up the young policiba with a wide grinulous grin;
Never had he seen a policiba so thin.
And gaunted and haunted and shaunted from sight,
The abicilop didn't struggle nor put up a fight.
And so soothingly somebody sounded and sung.
The grim of the policiba had just begun.
Black-hatted and ciba woad willingly at their wild windy way.
The young boy from small Hosagen di-umped up to play.
The Bee Ached, 'please see her' and why o why bee?
Big fat, yellow and black. Now you'll see!