Title: My World
by Adele from Cheshire | in writing, poetry
If only there was a world where the greatest poet is me,
A world without judgement,
A world without reality.
If only there was a world where the sun shone on me,
A world open to interpretation,
Where discretion came for free.
If only there was a world where I could sit here in peace,
A world without loud mouths and sick notes.
A world without rotting teeth.
If only there was a world where my writing prevailed,
A world without injustice,
Where I never failed.
If only I knew this world really does exist ,
A world my feelings need never resist,
A world where I'm standing right beside you,
A world where my dreams will always come true.
The world in which we live and our aspirations, from the reality to realising your dreams. To not let anything in your way and to always have your say. To live in an open society and to be who you want to be. To want to be a recognised writer.