Title: Nine minutes, ten years
by Harriet from Buckinghamshire | in writing, poetry
Nine minutes
Until I drift
Far far away
Eight minutes
Until I can pretend
I don't have to decide my life
Choose my paths
Aged just sixteen
Seven minutes
Until my mind is filled
With people
Who smile
And mean it
Six minutes
Until I can pretend
Tomorrow isn't coming soon
Five minutes
My time is fading fast
Yesterday I was six
All I had to worry about was a spelling test
Four minutes
Until I can be six again
In a place where friends were friends
And smiles were half formed with gappy gums
Three minutes
Until my brain rests
At last
Two minutes
Ten years have passed in two minutes
And now I'm old
I'm grown up
I don't want to be
One minute
Until I can dream of a time
When I was happy
Tomorrow I face friends
With fully formed fake smiles
Wishing each other well
As we enter a room
In which our life is mapped out
For now, I sleep.
I have three GCSE exams tomorrow and it is my bedtime now. I'm not exactly calm so this was my count down to bedtime.