Title: The creator of the scream
by Lizzi from North Yorkshire | in writing, poetry
The scream,
Echoed over the water
Making it shake with fear
The reflecting faces of terror screamed
At the wooden dock
Before plunging into their murky home
Again and again
Their evil laughter filled the hole
With horror and madness
That reflected in his eyes
I turned into the shadows,
Tiring to escape my troubled thoughts
The piercing scream pounded in my ears.
The stranger: alone and hurt.
A person I once knew,
The one I once loved with all of my heart.
Its face deformed in my thoughts,
Sent a rush of ice through my spine
The coldness suffocated my swollen soul
As I realised what I had done,
I created the terror within him.
I'd abandoned him.
The picture ""Scream"" and the idea of who messed with the mind of the person who is screaming, giving them a reason to scream.