Title: So...
by Ross | in writing, poetry
the clouds, in such a state of unpredictable mood, suspended in their master's predicative design.
When shall we know our truthful origin?
To prove ourselves wrong time and time again is only a contradictive stunt in progressive stand-still.
Thoughts, so vast, that are incapacitated in knowledge of our past.
Those, who wear power as a counterfeit diadem; with total irrelevance:
Why pull this cover over our eyes; abandoning us; leaving us to an untruthful sense of short-sightedness?
It is not us that can decide between reality and dream. That is the mind of those who think superior over fellow beings, when ultimately we should all be enlightened.
We are an idea fallen loose; a toss of the coin; a matter of probabilistic outcome, evolved to infatuate, thus leading to our evidently strong structural dominance as the ability to survive is prominently brought to the forefront of thought.
If the sociological progress of this society were to be limited, we would not move forward; we learn from one another, ultimately using previous material in an attempt to build on experience and knowledge; a successful author steals an idea, whereas an unsuccessful author borrows it.
It is not copying an idea that helps us progress, it is the challenge of imagining a better one.
All of our actions are effective. We carry out certain actions, with the 'freedom' of choice, and, whether thought insignificant or life changing, the ripple has involuntarily commenced.
The significance of this is only as much as we interpret it to be; the more we look into something, the more likely it will become a deciding factor in future events and the more people will be affected by it.
The merry thought of being positively interlaced controls our actions, guides us and keeps us going; the connection and communication between one another and the environment gives us a powerful covalence-like demeanour.
O, what bitter disappointment shall lay beneath, every venture man shall wilfully entrail.
Every movement; a stunt; a stance, no longer pursued. But decisions that are already made; to persist in such a manner that mistakes are dismissed; such flippant overtones manufactured to disperse any soul-destroying sensations of wrong-doing and 'involuntary' ignorance.
But not when submission is dominant; realisation is potentially superior strength over that very trickle of knowledge, excruciatingly filtered through the reducing valve of our minds.
'Truth' is merely an element of perception; 'lies' are only that element of perception falsely reconstructed in such a way that it is idealised conveniently to the teller's situation.
Writing what I feel, whatever comes to me. Mostly philosophical.