Title: The Universal Ultimatum of the Unimportant
by Alex from Gloucestershire | in writing, poetry
The world disintegrates on the margin of nuclear annihilation
A dispensable jot razed from the corner of the universal thesis
Lain to a controversial argument of control
Mother Nature mourns
Father time perspires
The almighty puppeteers trepidate
The strife for superior righteousness
The preservation of the sanity of mankind
The protection of serenity
The perseverance of the knowledge of weakness and will
But it shall not persevere
Nor mankind
Nor peace
Nor the apocalyptic catalyst of power and jurisdiction
Father and mother evaporate
Nanoparticle to nucleus
The orange, incandescent glow of death's warm grin devours the eternity
The masterpiece is memory
The memory is a moment
Earth is just an irritatable blink to be forgotten
A brief history of time and space
The instantaneous doom and befitting fate of the human race
The idea of an apocalypse