Title: Broken girl
by Holly from Nottinghamshire | in writing, poetry
You have ripped out my heart,
Left me broken beyond repair,
Barely the shadow of the girl I once was,
You have taken so much from me,
Gave me only agony and pain in return.
I feel lost and alone,
In a word I was once so confident in,
I had no demons before you,
Now my closet is full of skeletons.
And still after all you have done,
After all you have cost me,
I still love you.
I know it is pathetic,
To feel this yearning in my heart.
I know it is hopelessly sad,
For me to still want you,
After what you did,
What you did with HER,
My ex best friend.
I hate you for what you have done,
I want to rip out your heart,
Make you feel this pain.
But I know all it would take,
Is for you to say those three little words.
You say I love you,
And all my resolve,
All of my hate for you,
Would just crumble away,
And that is all the evidence,
I need to prove,
That you have left me broken,
Broken beyond repair
A poem about a recent break-up