Title: From a distance
by Charlotte-Kate from Wales | in writing, fiction
Set: Dark desolate tunnel outside Clare's House.
Clare is sitting down with Katy, Clare opens up and confides in Katy.
Clare: I don't know if I can do this.
Katy: You have to be strong, this won't last forever.
Clare: It's hurting me inside, the stares, the back biting comments...why?
Katy: Because we are different to them, at the end of the day....we aren't white....they want to punish us for it.
Clare: (gets upset) I just want to be normal, live the lives they live, get treated the same...
Katy: Build up this self-esteem Clare, you're a fighter, to get through this I'll stand by your side, we will stand for our grounds.
Clare: Your right.. I can't live my life like this... (holds Katy's hand tightly with a firm grip and smiles)
This story is all about a 14 year old little girl called Clare, she gets unfairly treated by people in her class, she is from a different country and is a different race, she therefore tells her friend who she confides in, this friend Katy has moved to this new country with her.