Title: UK youth
by Anna from West Yorkshire | in writing, fiction
Sarah sits watching television, holding a pen and some blank paper, her mum enters and walks behind the sofa, looking over Sarah as she does so and stopping stage right.
Mum: Doing homework?
Sarah: yup (lifts blank paper)
Mum: Working hard I see
Sarah: I've been working all day at college! I can't work all night
Mum: Alright, alright, chilax
Sarah: Chilax? Can't you speak normally?
Mum: Your cousin Darren said it
Sarah: Yes, mum, a 13 year old boy, not a 50 year old
Mum: Well if you're going to be so rude
Sarah: Sorry, I- it's this homework, an article on being 'UK youth''.All I can think of is ASBO's, rain
Mum: There's education?'..
Sarah: Boring
Mum: '' politics, youth-workers, those school councillors
Sarah: Those geeks
Mum: Aren't you on the council?
Sarah: ''.(mutters) That's different
Mum: There's technology? Blackberries, apples'.kiwis
Sarah: Kiwi's?''(has a sudden idea) aha
(Sarah begins to write quickly on the paper
Mum looks pleased with herself as she thinks Sarah has used one of her ideas, she then reads what Sarah has written)
Mum: (puzzled) 'Hotmail'?
(Sarah continues to write and then points to the rest of what she's written with her pen.)
Mum: (reading) Culture, communication, world connection and opportunities'.(contemplates it) lovely.
( - signals an overlap/interruption in the speech, Bold words = stressed)
The inspiration for this script came from the conversations I have had with my own mum and those which my friends have had with theirs. The story follows Sarah who asks her mother to help her think of an idea for her article on 'UK youth.' The dialogue highlights the different values and ideas which the two hold. These ideas contrast yet remain to be true and valid. However, the one idea which they both agree on is that young people in the UK now have a large number of opportunities, be them in politics, education or communication. Sarah also has many strong opinions which she voices during the dialogue, highlighting the freedom of speech which young people in the UK have today.