Title: Unheeded Tuesdays
by Linsey from Scotland | in writing, poetry
White board, white ceiling
And almost white walls.
The mumbling discussions.
Beside me, the scratch
Of pen. Equations? Ways to
Commit suicide. Escape.
I catch a word, drawing
Me from my daze.
Electrons, threshold frequency.
Someone says something
About Planck's constant.
Brushes against my fading
Consciousness. Faintest recognition before
Once more, blankest oblivion.
Upstairs, the jewellers'
Dull thud, perfect accompaniment to
The gentle music of the ramblings of
The one that is sure they have got
Everything wrong. A chorus of
Confusion and I stir once
More. Puzzle my way through, then
Slip back into
Nothing. Eyes blankly trace
Coloured lines, till
Clang. Shatters the silence of
Consciousness that is not.
Sitting through two and a half hours of higher physics on a tuesday afternoon.