Title: Parable E
by Aurist from Kent | in writing, poetry
Each will untold, unwritten, forbade,
Will still dance on, it has a cadence,
Drip, drip, drop, into the cauldron;
We'll feed our souls upon this solvent
Each child taken from this world
Is accepted, for it is willed
Even if not understood -
For suffering makes for greater good
A man today he looked at me, he said
"Believe in demons," Face red,
And screamed, and died, his soul an excavation
And every full-stop ever used became an exclamation...
I replied, though he was past,
As on death row one foresees a looking-glass;
And my words were lost in a noise coming from the sky:
Before I could react, I was crushed like a fly.
I was undoubtedly surprised
Until it came, and I surmised
That this will happen to everyone...
All is nothing, and will be gone!
My views on religion, cult, prophecy and anything else entertaining and fictional. Guess what my stance is ;)