Title: Late.
by Jemma from Suffolk | in writing, fiction
[Scene - Bedroom, bed on stage and alarm clock. Loud ringing alarm goes off, breaking the previous silence]
Charlie: [reacting instantly to alarm, crawling out from under the bed, jumping up and smoothing down clothes] AAAAAAAAA! QUICK! WAKE UP.
Sam: [in bed, unresponsive] Mmmmph. Ten more minutes ...
Charlie: [rips off duvet] Get out of my bed! If we don't get out of here soon, mum'll come up! Besides we're late!
Sam: Naaa we're not [curls up] Pleeeenntyy of time.
Charlie: [looking through wardrobe] Don't mess this up for me!
Sam: Mmmmmph.
Charlie: Please! [Throws clothes at Sam] Get dressed!
Charlie has a friend staying over but has an important cross country race coming up the next day and wants him to get up early so they have enough time warm up beforehand. I'm a runner myself and have been in a similar situation, having a lazy friend. Plus, Charlie is a typical teenager, having mates around without telling his parents, Something I can again relate to.