Title: Half- World
by Tsaki | in writing, poetry
Half- World
The abusive cycle of dreams continue
His dead-alive eyes shine with a half-worldly light
Speaking of silent retribution.
Watch for him they say,
Fear him and his ways.
Even with threats I cannot stay away
So I follow into the forest night.
I count my steps and move ahead,
Thank god these stones can't talk
To tell the tale of my betrayal.
Thorns of roses encircle my heart
Stealthily bring back sweet but painful memories.
A silver wolf
The usual accomplice to my night prowls.
He is the sentinel of my heart,
Keeper of my dreams.
We move as one not fearing ghosts nor death.
The night envelopes us as we continue
Toward my most wicked and basic desire.
I hear him pace in my murderous sleep as I become what all fear the most.
I am Death Itself
This was an english assignment where we had to use words the teacher gave us to write a poem